Kroger $25 gift card Giveaway!
I'm so excited. My Blog Spark and General Mills just sent me a $25 gift card to be used at Kroger (or their family of stores). They sent it to me so I can start earning bonus box tops for my school. We already clip the boxtops regularly and save them for our school. I didn't realize we could earn boxtops without having to even cut them out! Here's the details. (Then read at the bottom about how you can get a chance to get a gift card yourself!). It´s hard to believe that the simple act of clipping Box Top coupons has raised over $300 million for our kids´ schools. Now you can earn even more money for the school of your choice because from now through March 18, the Kroger Family of Stores is giving you the chance to get even more Bonus Box Tops. All you have to do is register at and select the personalized offers that you would like to receive. Once you register, you will automatically receive 5 Bonus Box Tops just for signing up! You will a...