Where do I get my coupons?

When I check out at the grocery, I often get this question from the cashiers (and other shoppers in line) - Where do you get so many coupons?

Here's where:
  1. Sunday newspaper from the closest big city (we subscribe to the Lexington paper on Sundays only - $8.00 per month; my husband LOVES the Sunday paper so even if UI didn;t save coupons we would spend that money anyway)
  2. Sunday Danville paper - our local paper - $6.00 per month - same reason as above
  3. Colgate Palmolive Company - I call every 6 months
  4. Angel Soft toilet paper - I call every month
  5. Home Made Simple Book - register every time it comes available
  6. Print sites - www.coupons.com (coupon button on right side of blog)
  7. Magazines (we subscribe to every free magazine that comes available.) There are lots of coupons there. Then of course we pass the magazines on to friends and family - they never get trashed.
  8. E-Coupon sites (shortcuts, cellfire, pgesaver, upromise)

These are just a few of the places I go every month to find coupons. I save every coupon for products I would use - even if its a different brand than normal. You never know what will be on sale that next week or month. Anything that our family can't use, I swap those coupons with friends.

Where else do you find coupons?

Some people love www.couponsuzy.com but the coupons there are the same as the ones on my blog so I don't go there often.


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