Have you loaded your ecoupons recently at Upromise?

Have you loaded your ecoupons from Upromise lately? There is a great 1.00 coupon for Nestle fun size candy available. Just login to your account here. Then click on Ways to Earn, ecoupons. There are new ecoupons every month. Remember, these coupons don't come off your receipt. Instead they accumulate for your child's (or grandchild, or nephew, or friend, or yourself) college fund. (If you don't have someone you want to earn for, you can always add my kids name :-)

At the rate I'm going, I hope to buy at least one textbook for each of my 3 kids when they are ready for college. (They're only 2, 4 & 7). My upromise account is growing slowly - very slowly. But I am at $8.50 - so considering I have about 12 years before I need the money, I hope to see it grow in time to help out a little.

You can sign up here. I don't shop from upromise.com but if you do, you can see your savings grow faster. For me, I prefer to start my online shopping through ebates, or mrrebates so I can access the money now.


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